How to use Groove Feature in CATIA V5:Groove feature is used to make a long,narrow cut or depression in hard material.Groove feature with thick profile and groove feature with neutral fiber will also exists with the help of groove feature.In this article,I am going to publish about how to use Groove Feature in CATIA V5 in a detailed manner.
The step by step procedure is to be needed to adopt the usage of Groove feature in CATIA V5 and is as follows.
Procedure-How to use Groove Feature in CATIA V5:
To make a groove in CATIA V5,
- Firstly,select a plane and let it be xy plane.
- To make a groove,you need a solid,a sketch is to be made to make a solid component by the usage of PAD feature.
- Now,you should has to provide a central axis for that component so as to make groove in the outward region throughout the circumference.
- Place the component in any view and draw a line(Axis or Path).Now,one more thing is that a circle(Profile) of required diameter is to be drawn on the surface where you need a groove.
- Now go to groove feature as shown in the below video and a dialogue box will appears with an angle box,profile and path.Choose the appropriate ones,w.r.t the component.
- If you need a complete groove through out its circumference then make an angle to 360 degrees.